Faculty Focus


Keys to Designing Effective Writing and Research Assignments

Writing assignments might be one of those items in the syllabus that some professors dread almost as much as their students do. While no one’s doubting that essays, research papers, and other types of writing assignments are an important part of the academic experience and vital to furthering student learning, they also are time consuming and, at times, frustrating to grade.

Professors often believe students should arrive on campus knowing how to write research papers. Unfortunately, many do not. In this free report, you’ll get proven assignment strategies that are easy to implement.

This report is free when you sign up for Faculty Focus, a free newsletter with effective pedagogical techniques to bring with you to both the classroom and online!

Take a look at some of the articles will find in Keys to Designing Effective Writing and Research Assignments:

  • Teaching Research Methods: Alternatives to Assigning Research Papers
  • Hidden Opportunities to Get Students Writing
  • 20 Questions About Writing Assignments
  • How Students Can Learn the Research Process through a Class Blog
  • The Research Paper that Thwarts Plagiarism
  • Chapter Essays as a Teaching Tool
  • How to Conduct a ‘Paper Slam’
  • Helping Students Develop Digital Content Curation Skills
  • Writing Assignments: A Self-Assessment for Faculty