Free Reports
In response to COVID-19, we’ve seen instructors and universities from around the world come together. We know this is not an easy time. But we also know the collaboration in terms of resources and community has been absolutely outstanding. You are not alone in this.
From transitioning to an online course to fostering a productive conversation with your students, the resources in this free report shed light on education initiatives we hope you find useful during this time of uncertainty.
Articles included in this free report:
- Education Initiatives: A Mashup of Emergency Resources and Other Great Tips
- Eight Steps for a Smoother Transition to Online Teaching
- Five Ways to Foster Creativity in Your Online Classroom
- Simple Animation for Your Courses
- What Do Students Really Want from Online Instructors?
- A Checklist for Moving Your Course Online
- How Teaching Online Can Improve Your Face-to-Face Classes
- Seven Ways to Facilitate Effective Online Discussions
- Online Discussions: Would Changing the Environment Help?
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