
Person typing with message bubbles appearing from discussion

A Discussion About Online Discussion

This article is featured in the resource guide, Effective Online Teaching Strategies. When it comes to facilitating online classroom engagement, discussion boards are a great

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Syllabus and curriculum plans drawn out in a notebook

Revisiting the Syllabus

The syllabus—most of us use them, many of our students don’t read them.  We wondered if this venerable artifact of teaching might merit a revisit. 

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Student surrounded by books and feeling overwhelmed

Reading Textbooks: The College Plague

First, let’s acknowledge this universal epidemic. College students despise reading textbooks and e-books that cover content with academic information. Fortunately, I discovered a cure for

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A network of people that showcases business experts

Dare to Ask the Expert

Years ago, as a high school graduate applying for a college scholarship, I tried an innovative research strategy.  I was investigating the case of a

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